Some Awesome OCD Resources



Last week my good friend Ashley surprised me with a customized coloring book for ERP. What an amazing concept!!! In small print at the bottom it says “a less terrible way to do exposures for OCD”. She humorously made pictures for me to color, mazes to complete, and crossword puzzles. My favorite was a maze she did about my horses. A common obsession of mine is if my horses like me or not.



Check out her Etsy site!  She raising money for the IOCDF Conference that she is attending in July. Ashley is so good at throwing humor at OCD. Thanks for looking!

Ashley’s Etsy Site!



7 Comments Add yours

  1. Ashley says:

    Thanks for sharing this Kait!! I’m so glad it brought humor to the mess of OCD! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! You have an amazing talent!


  2. recoverytowellness says:

    That’s awesome!! Cute idea making it humor filled and a little exposure activity book =] That could be a really good business idea! 😉

    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think so too! Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate it!


      1. recoverytowellness says:

        Any time! 🙂


  3. doanexposure says:

    That’s so cute!! I’m sorry, but the horse page made me lol! That’s something I would do. I want one! Haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! It’s hilarious! I loved it!


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